‘Commuter Barbie’ and the Simple Art of Self-Reflection

Commuter Barbie is social commentary of the most cut-and-dried kind. Creators and young professionals Carina Hsieh and Claudia Arisso took their experiences riding the New York City MTA and created a parody doll in the image of who they saw jockeying for standing room alongside them. It’s not layered, it’s not a critique. It’s a simple reflection […]

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‘Freddy Derryl’ and the Best of Character Cringe

I know, I know, I wrote about Josh Ruben recently, but this piece is different, because it’s not just about him. There’s a larger story to Freddy Derryl and how it all came to be. Shot on New Years Eve, 2016, in Ruben’s native Woodstock, New York, the short–which also stars Bettina Skye in a […]

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Why You Should Check Out Anthony Oberbeck and Carmen Christopher’s ‘Sex Talk’

Out of Thomas Fricilone and Kelly Cooper’s Ground Floor Comedy has come a truly insane web series worthy of 10 of your minutes today. It’s called Sex Talk, it’s hosted by Anthony Oberbeck and Carmen Christopher, and it will make you feel as if you’ve descended into utter madness the way Daniel Kaluuya descended into “the sunken […]

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Why You Should Check Out Anthony Oberbeck and Carmen Christopher’s ‘Sex Talk’

Out of Thomas Fricilone and Kelly Cooper’s Ground Floor Comedy has come a truly insane web series worthy of 10 of your minutes today. It’s called Sex Talk, it’s hosted by Anthony Oberbeck and Carmen Christopher, and it will make you feel as if you’ve descended into utter madness the way Daniel Kaluuya descended into “the sunken […]

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The Good Kind of Hollywood Sketch

One problem with comedy writers is: we’re part of the Hollywood machine. We eat and sleep the “entertainment industry,” because it’s our job to do so, no different than a heart surgeon who thinks a lot about heart surgery (okay, it’s a little different). The upshot of that is we tend to want to write what […]

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‘The Flirt’ and John Milhiser’s Sweet-Funny

The Flirt just makes you feel good. It’s funny, though. That’s the whole thing. It makes you feel good AND it’s very funny. Written by and starring John Milhiser, co-starring Mike Lane, and directed by Ryan Moulton, the funny part isn’t surprising. Nor is the piece’s innovative method of delivery (just watch, okay?). All three of these gents have […]

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Brad Howe Is a Good and Creepy Dad

With so much dad content swirling around in the comedy dad-mosphere, it can be difficult to decide which dad you’re going to dad-vote your time to. Today, that choice becomes a bit easier for two reasons. First, because I’m recommending that you watch this video, and second, because the video you’re about to watch is […]

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‘Men Don’t Whisper’: The Best Short of 2017?

Another This Week in Web Videos installment and another go90/JASH collabo that awes. Yes. Men Don’t Whisper is that good. As with Tond before it, Men Don’t Whisper is helmed by two visionary creators. This time Jordan Firstman and Charles Rogers step up to the plate, and the result is layered, cringeworthy comedy that’s as well written as it is deftly […]

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John Purcell Ups the Meta Game

Last week, we covered a straight mockumentary — a clearly silly premise sold as something real. This week, we’re turning our focus to a project that’s a bit more layered. From the mind of John Purcell comes a piece about the body of John Purcell. What is on the surface a straightforward mockumentary quickly reveals itself to be […]

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‘El Cuco’ and the Value of Non-Fiction Inspiration

What do you do when you need more life experience to create new and innovative comedy, but you want to make things now? You go down wormholes, looking for inspiration. Weird wormholes. 3am wormholes that expose you to things like “El Cuco”– the Portugese and Spanish answer to the American Boogeyman. He punishes bad children and […]

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