A Day Late, But Worth It: Your Fireworks Explanation Video

Sketch group Cannibal Milkshake may’ve cracked the fireworks conundrum for we critics of lights in the night sky. As a man who’s unimpressed with fireworks, Jeff Ayars gives us voiced-over insight into the secret, ‘grammable allure of these impossibly annoying colorful gunshots. I’ll never like fireworks, but, after hearing the disembodied voice of “F.W.” (fireworks) make some […]

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Here Are Two Vastly Different, Similarly Fun Videos

What do Jared Kushner and a trio of Greasers have in common? Yes, loved ones who obsessively groom their ridiculous hair but also: this week’s column! We’ve highlighted two contributions that don’t seem to share much DNA at surface level. Upon digging a little deeper, though, you might discover that each makes commendable use of a simple, easily producible premise, […]

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Anthony Gaskins & Carl Foreman, Jr.? You Should Know

A web series about two teachers at a fancy New York middle school? Sure. Sounds like a web series. Frank & Lamar is that. It’s on IFC’s digital incubator, Comedy Crib, and features actors from the UCB community and is the right length for a web series, and appears on the web. Yes. All boxes checked. […]

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‘Three Women’: A New Short with an Old Method

From the opening frame, Three Women brought back the smell of Blockbuster Video. Not the smell of bulldozed drywall dust in 2007, the smell of candy and freshly vacuumed carpeting in 1996. From the lounge-y tinsel town score to its muted golden glow and perseverating dialogue, watching this made me feel like I was watching my parents […]

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‘Ba dum tss’: One Small Joke, One Big Laugh

From New York comedian Evan Krumholz comes a quick hit that’s good for a Wednesday LOL. Simple, imaginative, and relatable, his contribution checks all boxes for a strong piece of sketch. Should he have ended things right after the button? Yes, probably, but the merit of the idea and ninety-percent of the execution made up for the […]

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‘Ba dum tss’: One Small Joke, One Big Laugh

From New York comedian Evan Krumholz comes a quick hit that’s good for a Wednesday LOL. Simple, imaginative, and relatable, his contribution checks all boxes for a strong piece of sketch. Should he have ended things right after the button? Yes, probably, but the merit of the idea and 90 percent of the execution made up for […]

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Love Dramedies About Comedians? Watch Totally Real Show ‘Cuplicated’

Is Vioobu a real streaming platform created by, directed by, edited by, showrun by, and starring Clip Cup’s Craig Healy, or a rouse by some very talented, very committed comedians? Only you can decide. YOU. Because I’m not blowing it. Though we (or, you) may never know the hard truth about this masterpiece, one thing’s for sure: […]

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Two Weird Videos You Should Watch Today

Sometimes there are days in the This Week in Web Videos column where we profile not one but two projects we feel you, our audience, should be aware of. Today is one of those days. We bring for your consideration and (we hope) enjoyment two perverse descents into comedic absurdity. Let us know what you […]

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A Web Video Sensation Two Years in the Making

TV actor Ben Giroux has been making internet videos for 10 years, often with musician and collaborator Jensen Reed. Nothing new there. What is new for the duo is spending $30k and two years of work on not even 5 minutes of internet content that, over the past week, has amassed over 32 million views on Facebook and a personal invite […]

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More ‘Somewhere in Highland Park,’ Please

Fresh off Channel 101′s April 29th showcase comes the pilot of Jason Gudasz’s Somewhere in Highland Park. A near perfect feat of low-budget camera tricks and razor sharp dialogue, Gudasz and DP Christian Klein set this baby up for Aaron Kee and Brodie Reed to spike it right back down. Sitting in a sweltering all-purpose room-turned-theatre, where the sweet […]

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