Mark Normand on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon

“The phone is just the new booze!” Mark Normand joked about how our phone addiction is problematic in ways we may not have realized yet, in this performance on The Tonight Show. Good thing I never got into White Claw. Roll the clip!

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Kevin Camia on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert

Kevin Camia made his network TV debut on The Late Show this week, and joked about turning Filipino stereotypes around, as well as the indignities of sitting in third-chair in your grade-school band. Roll the clip.

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Kevin Camia on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert

Kevin Camia made his network TV debut on The Late Show this week, and joked about turning Filipino stereotypes around, as well as the indignities of sitting in third-chair in your grade-school band. Roll the clip.

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Andrew Orolfo on The Late Late Show with James Corden

I first saw Andrew Orolfo this summer in San Francisco at Comedy Central’s Clusterfest. Funny stuff! Now you all can see him courtesy of his performance this week on The Late Late Show with James Corden. Man bun and all. Roll the clip!

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Brian Simpson on Lights Out with David Spade

Did you know that David Spade’s new late-night show on Comedy Central also is spotlighting new stand-up comedians? For the second time that I’ve seen so far in the show’s two-month run, Spade gifted several minutes of Lights Out to a …

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Noah Gardenswartz on The Late Late Show with James Corden

Noah Gardenswartz just got married, you guys! (To comedian Ester Steinberg!) Before they jet off on a honeymoon, Gardenswartz got in one more gig, performing on Wednesday’s Late Late Show, where he joked about how bachelor parties are different a…

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Ryan Hamilton on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon

Can you believe Ryan Hamilton hadn’t performed on Jimmy Fallon’s The Tonight Show before Tuesday night? Especially unbelievable if you’ve seen Hamilton before. He’s quite funny. From far away or up close! Roll the clip!

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Christian Finnegan on The Late Late Show with James Corden

Christian Finnegan has reached the ripe old age of 46, which as he explained on The Late Late Show, isn’t quite so ripe any longer. Much like the good-intentioned vegetables you sometimes buy at the grocery store. Roll the clip!

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